Monday, February 2, 2009

Using Putt Preview and Other Putting Tips

Here are some tips to using putt preview. I really did not understand the entire concept until I watched some of my friends and their set up routines.

In my setup I would look over the putt, seeing if I was uphill or downhill, sloping left or right. I would then position myself and press putt preview. It would show me how close I was to the actual trajectory and whether the 100% putt would go farther or fall short. What I did not realize was that during my setup if I set the putting distance at less than 100%, putt preview would show me the path based on what I had set up. Now as part of my setup I adjust the distance as well as the angle. This has improved my putting quite a bit.

Here are a few more tips. Do you count the number of squares on putt preview your short or long on? They are in increments of 5 feet each. After you exit putt preview you can adjust your putting distance arrow to add or subtract how many feet you are short or long and read the percentage. For example, you have the 40 ft. putter selected and you set the arrow to 40ft. You look at putt preview and it shows you two squares or 10 ft. long. Exit putt preview and back off the putter 10 ft. to 30ft. The percentage below the 30ft mark reads 75%. That is what you shoot for on the power meeter. 75% is 3/4 of the way up.

If you are up hill all the way the putter selected will seldom do the job. Select the next lever putter before looking at the putt preview. The same is true for downhill putts. Back down one level before you look at putt preview.

Good Luck!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Don't Forget To Look At The Training Events!

In the game, you gain points by playing the tiger challenges and PGA tour events. You use those points to advance your power, putting skill, accuracy, ball striking, luck and several other areas of your game. This in turn with how many times you play also builds confidence. You notice the confidence level of each stroke you take by a graph displayed either on the right or the left hand side of the upper screen. If you have a problem on a course, I had a problem with the 11th hole on Wolf Creek, you will be offered a training session. I ignored the sesssion.

I noticed the next time I played that my confidence levels were lower on certian shots as well as the overall confidence level. I then went to my carrer and selected the training coach and saw that there was a training event for me. Once I completed it, my confidence level returned.

Increases in confidence make for better shots and luck. Don't forget to complete the training as it is offered.